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How To Creat Program vb .net Connection with Database Access

Hello guys, hello prospective programmers. Peace greetings for all.

Okay, in the narrow and opportunity this time, I will share information about coding / code / script on vb. Net so that the system is connected or connected with database access yups.

So that all the data in the application that you make is not lost, then you need a database or place to store data permanently and of course it can be changed and deleted. To save the data itself, there are many kinds of database places such as MySQL, SQL Server, MS Access and others, and of course all are connected with code / coding. In accordance with what is my first utarakeun, hemmmm, this is directly he is coding vb. Net to connect to database access.

Vb Script Connects to Access Database

  •    Please open vb .net first
  •     then create a new project and make form 1 just like that
  •     then add the Module and fill the code as below

 Before entering coding, please make a database name in ms access, here I will name it pultekno.com (the name of the database). And my database access uses ms access 2010 yuops.

Imports System.Data.OleDb

Module Module1

    Public conn As OleDbConnection
    Public da As OleDbDataAdapter
    Public ds As DataSet
    Public cmd As OleDbCommand
    Public rd As OleDbDataReader
    Public str As String

    Public Sub Koneksi()
        conn = New OleDbConnection("provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=pultekno.com.mdb")
    End Sub
End Module

Okay, I'm done, that's how much it doesn't work. It's time to say goodbye (sincerely), hopefully it's useful, and don't forget to share coding database access connections with vb .net.

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